Cyberthon is a cybersecurity competition organised by Hwa Chong Institution (College Section), in collaboration with the Centre for Strategic Infocomm Technologies (CSIT) and the Digital and Intelligence Service (DIS).
Cyberthon aims to enthuse and inspire students to develop crucial skills relating to Infocomm Technology and is designed to be a skill-appropriate competition for students in (the equivalent of) Junior College/Millennia Institute Year 1 to Year 3, and equivalent institutions offering the International Baccalaureate.
Through Cyberthon, students will gain a deeper understanding of real-life cyber security issues as well as opportunities to pit their cybersecurity skills against the best in their age group. In the long term, we hope that the competition can help to identify and nurture a core group of Infocomm talents with deep expertise in cyber defence.
The Staff Fun Team was introduced in 2021 to provide teachers with opportunities to learn more about cybersecurity and collaborate in teams of 4 for the Staff Fun Game Challenge.