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Programme Schedule
6 July 2019
Registration, Breakfast and Competition Briefing
0830 - 0930 h
Please register at the College's Hall. Light breakfast will be served outside the Hall. Briefing will be done in the Hall.
0930 - 1430 h
The competition will last for 5 hours. During which, lunch bento sets will be distributed at 1200 h, where participants can have their lunch concurrently.
Cybersecurity Seminar @ D410
1400 - 1500 h
Teachers and non-participating students may proceed to D410 for the seminar on Cybersecurity hosted by CSIT.
Refreshment and Arrival of GOH
1500 h
Guest-of-Honour Mr Ng Chee Khern will arrive to observe participants. Guests may proceed for refreshments in the Hall.
GOH Address and Awards Ceremony
1530 - 1630 h
Guests are to be seated down by 1530 h for the address.
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